I had my third IUI on Tuesday, April 12, 2011. It was my first IUI at the new clinic. My appointment was at 9:00 and DH’s was at 7:30. We drove separately and he had to leave the clinic to head to another doctor’s appointment in Trussville. The purpose of his appointment was for an x-ray for his upcoming surgery on Wednesday, April 20, 2011. As to his surgery, I somewhat dread it because my husband is obsessed with his nose and the mere thought of someone doing something to it just irks us both. He honestly thinks that just because his nose is stopped up that he is going to die, sad but true. Anyways…..I thought that I was going to panic knowing that I was at the clinic all alone doing this third IUI. I felt relieved knowing that DH had a valid excuse not being present with me. As I waited in the lobby, I played games on my phone and texted my friend Adrienne until my battery was almost dead. When I was called back, I got undressed from the waist down and waited. The nurse practitioner then came into the room and asked me if I had any questions. My first question was “what was the sperm count and motility?”
Sperm sample |
Well it was better than it was last time and I will leave it at thatJ. I laid back on the table, she inserted the speculum, and lastly the catheter filled with DH’s sperm. The process was quick and uncomfortable.
After Insemination |
After Insemination |
This particular insemination felt like my first one (a piece of cake). After I was inseminated, I laid there for 15 minutes, got dressed and went to the checkout window. The IUI costed $375.00 and why I was prepared to pay more, I don’t know! I was so happy that I did not have to do any lab work. I will return to the clinic on Monday to have lab work done to check my progesterone levels. I’m not too thrilled about using the vaginal progesterone suppositories twice a day until my next appointment. Can we say disgusting! Well regardless of if this works or not, I am so excited a bout the fast moving progress.
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