Week 17 has been a good week! I still have remnants of my sinus infection, but it is way better than it was last week. I turned 29 this week and I found out the sex of our baby. We are having a boy! We are absolutely thrilled! It honestly did not matter what we were having, but counting down the days to the gender reveal ultrasound is a nightmare and more suspenseful than watching a horror movie alone. The ultrasound determined that everything was right on track as far as size goes. The baby is transverse which means that he is lying sideways. My due date was changed from Jan. 1 to Dec. 29 and the heart rate was 148. The ultrasound was disappointing simply because “they were out of CD’s”. Really?!?! I did not get any ultrasound pictures and they said that I could call and pick them up after a few days. I again asked the technician for one ultrasound picture and she said that all the images will be burned to a CD and that they have to the CD in order to print pictures of the baby. It just didn’t make any sense to me that the ultrasound department did not have one little CD! Regardless of how frustrated that made me, I was happy to see our baby boy moving, flipping, and having his thumb up. Prior to finding out the sex, Baby was determined not to show his private parts. The technician continuously poked my stomach and I rolled from side to side. While all this was happening, I had a full bladder that was so full that it hurt. She then suggested that I empty my bladder, so I ran to the bathroom, leaving my shoes behind and it was instant relief. While I was in the bathroom, I danced and did a few jumping jacks trying to get Baby to move his leg. I then went back into the ultrasound room and we tried again. Well it was plain and clear after that, we saw the “wee wah”. After the ultrasound appointment, we headed to the 2nd floor to see the doctor for the monthly appointment. My blood was drawn for the quad screening test and I gave a urine sample. My blood pressure was great and my weight had increased a total of five pounds since the last visit. According to the ultrasound report, the doctor said that everything was right on track and appeared to be normal. He used the heartbeat Doppler and stated that the heart rate was 140. My doctor stated that he would call me if there were any abnormalities from my tests and if not, he’ll see me at next month’s appointment.
I forgot to mention above that after we found out the sex, we called everyone to the point where it killed my battery. I turned my phone off because it was almost dead and I didn’t need to talk to anyone else. My mother did not get the gist of us declaring that day as “our day” because she blew Jarvis’s phone up for the rest of the day! I wasn’t mad, I just shook my head and I fully understand that she is just excited to know. Some of the events that took place that day was going to Babies R Us, Target, The Galleria, TJ Maxx, Best Buy, and eating at Firebirds.
Of course we created baby registries too! We also started the day off by eating breakfast at I-Hop because I had a coupon for a free birthday meal. Jarvis gave me a birthday card with money and the card was a singing card. It was so loud and hilarious. Overall, this day was extremely fun and exhausting. When we arrived back home, we talked for a few and I called myself watching some TV afterwards. I was so tired that I went to sleep all night with my glasses on, now that’s serious!
On Saturday, July 30, 2011, we hit some yard sales. Yes I said “we”. During a conversation last week, I was saying that once we find out the sex, I would like to go to some good yard sales. Jarvis said “since I’m off on Saturdays now, I will go with you”. I briefly heard crickets chirping because I did not ask, he volunteered. Well when Saturday morning arrived, I woke up first and wrote down our yard sale itinerary. I then got him up. He got up with such ease and grace. We started in Trussville and worked our way back home. We went to six yard sales and by the 2nd one; he declared “I love this, its fun”. He even posted it as his Facebook status, “I love yard sales”! Jarvis told me that this was his first time ever in his life to go to a yard sale. I was thrilled to have his company and happy that he enjoyed himself. I think it became fun to him when he saw all the nice, stain-free, hole-free, name-brand baby items we got for $1.00 or less. My motto has always been “it can be washed”. Second-hand items allow me to use my washing machine to its full potential meaning, steam and sanitize cycle. Two years later, I am still thankful that I was blessed with my HE washer and dryer that I just had to have.
Here is the dehumidifier I got for $5.00. I didn’t want to buy a new one and I am glad I ran across this one. It is in perfect working condition. I bought it from an older couple. Having a dehumidifier was also suggested by my nurses and doctor.
Here is the pregnancy related talk. I still have remnants of my sinus infection, but I am glad to be feeling way better than I initially felt. I did take a weekly picture from week 16, but I refuse to put in on this blog because I look like death.
How far: 17 weeks
Weight: 2 more lbs totaling 5 lbs.
Sleeping: Like a baby *knock on wood*
Cravings/Aversions: None! Eating what was planned.
Morning Sickness: Some dry heaving with heartburn and indigestion.