About Me

- Celeste's
- Welcome to my blog! My name is Celeste and I am 30 years old. I have been happily divorced since July 31, 2012.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
37 Weeks
It seems like everything has been going downhill since the start of week 36. On Thursday December 1, 2011, I noticed that my belly was beginning to itch more than usual. Well the itching continued and it started looking more like a rash. Luckily I had an appointment with the doctor on the following day. I showed my doctor the rash that had started from my belly and was now on my hands and arms. He prescribed me with hydrocortisone cream 1% and sent me to a dermatologist. Well scheduled the appointment with the dermatologist on 12/6 at 7:30 am. Everyone was very friendly at the office. I went into a room with the nurse and she took down my patient history. I was then told to put on a hospital gown which I already saw coming, but still dreaded it. The doctor then came into the room along with the same nurse and he began to question me about what was going on. I outright stated that “I am miserable and I will take anything that you give me that won’t hurt my baby!” He did a dry chuckle and began to examine my arms and asked to see my stomach. He quickly stated that I had PUPPP which stands for Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy. I pretty much already knew that I had PUPPP thanks to a very intelligent classmate telling me about it on facebook and of course I obsessed over researching it. The doctor told me that he wanted to biopsy my skin to ensure that nothing was auto-immune. The nurse numbed my arm which hurt just a tad bit then the doctor checked to see if I could feel anything and clipped a piece of skin off. I don’t know what anything looked like when in was happening because I never look because I’ll get lightheaded. I will get the results in two weeks.
On another note, the movement as far as kicking goes has decreased drastically and he rolls a lot which feels like pure pressure. To be in my last month of pregnancy, I get pretty good sleep. Having PUPPP and frequent urination is the cause of my frequent insomnia. I do find it very difficult to get comfortable, sitting, standing, and rolling over. My stomach feels so heavy and is feeling heavier by the day.
Results from my strep-b test were normal. During that particular visit with the doctor, labor and delivery was thoroughly discussed. I was told by my doctor that I would more than likely need a c-section otherwise possibly be in labor for 18-24 hours. I then scheduled the c-section for December 28. It would have been December 27, but that day was booked up. This pregnancy has flown by and now that it is down to the wire, it is going so slow! As I type on this day, it is 9 days away and I have so many mixed emotions with the biggest one being excitement. I am ready to meet him, get rid of this rash, and most of all get it over with.
My maternity leave started on December 16, 2011 and I was initially going to work up until December 22, 2011, but having the rash and other ailments completely changed my mind. When the rash spread to my swollen feet that was it for me with work. It itches so badly and it itches so badly it is crippling. My walking looks horrible because I am rocking and limping. The baby has been pressing on a nerve which has my entire left leg in pain. If I must say, the 9th month has been a month to remember.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
34 Weeks
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Retaining Water in my feet, BAD! |
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Comfortable Crocs |
I am officially tired of being pregnant! Don’t get me wrong, I am thankful and view this pregnancy as a huge blessing, but I am so over it and ready to meet our precious son. My morning sickness is back and I cannot throw-up. I still do the stupid dry-heaving which is way worse. I can hardly sleep because I can’t get comfortable because my hip and my legs constantly hurt. Sitting and standing is becoming a chore. I find myself grunting when I stand because of the pressure and I see it getting slower each time. I’m always getting laughed at followed by the comment “you have three bullets on your shirt”. One of the bullets is my protruding belly button and I will leave the second and third bullet to the imagination. I wish that there was no such thing as sneezing. OMG! Sneezing hurts so badly and I brace myself for it every time. If I had my way, I would not do anymore sneezing until at least 6 months post-partum.
I could seriously use 2-3 more pairs of maternity pants, but I refuse to purchase any this far along. I did have to break down and by some Crocs because my shoes are not fitting with the swelling. They were $40.00 on the Crocs website and $27.00 on Amazon with free shipping. I may just order a brown pair because they are so light and comfortable!
This post is being typed on Thanksgiving and I have done almost nothing. I have four consecutive days off of work and I am trying my best to stay off of my feet as the doctor suggested. I have been elevated pretty much all day and the swelling has gone down, but still pretty bad. I am not going to any Black Friday sales nor did I get a newspaper to view the sales. I had a pep talk with myself to get me through everything. In the past, even when I did not go shopping, I still always got a newspaper. First of all my feet have been way too swollen to be worried about going to shopping. Secondly, I’m out of breath. I would not make it 2 hours in those crowds especially with the frequent urination. Third, I was just a tad bit frightened at the thought of being in the midst of people running and possibly fighting and etc. I didn’t want to put my unborn child at risk. Maybe next year….
I had an appointment with the doctor on 11/23/11 and I gained 14 lbs in two weeks!!!!! That’s right, 14 lbs in two weeks! The doctor said that he is not too concerned because my weight has stayed the same for the past 5 visits and he would like to see if I lose some of the weight/water by my next appointment. We discussed some of the upcoming tests and that during the next appointment; I will begin getting pelvic exams and discussing labor. I am stoked and ready!
I still have to find a pediatrician and I have to do it fast. I have been researching and I am down to three choices, but I still haven’t called them.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
32 Weeks
Saturday, November 5, 2011
31 Weeks
Well as you can see, I haven’t had much to say in a while. I am tired and I think that I’m doing well just to upload a picture. Nothing much has happened since my last words. If I’m not mistaken, I took my glucose test at 28 weeks and I passed it. My one hour test was incorporated with the three hour because it was obvious that I would fail the one hour. I passed the test without being on Glucophage too! The medicine had been out of my system for well over a month prior to the glucose test. I stopped taking it because it made me too sick to take in conjunction with an antibiotic the doctor put me on for some other issues. I drank the fruit punch solution for the testing and I must say, it did not taste bad, but I was so sick. I was determined not to throw-up and I didn’t. I simply couldn’t fathom the thought of having to come back to retest. It was so boring sitting there for 3 ½ hours. I had plenty of books, magazines, and my phone charger, but that didn’t help. I was about to starve and baby boy was kicking non-stop and probably wondering why mommy would not feed him. As soon as the test came to an end, I immediately headed to the hospital cafeteria to eat. When I made it down there, guess what, they still had 10 minutes until opening. I was so hungry and lightheaded because I had not eaten. I said that everything would be okay as long as I eat before I left the hospital. I remember thinking to myself, “if I pass out, this is the best place to do it”. So the cafeteria finally opened and I got some spaghetti and green beans. I instantly felt better after getting some food into my system. I forgot to mention that I had a coupon for $5.00 off my meal and I only had to pay some change, woot woot! A few months ago, the hospital sent me a handful of very useful coupons; I also used free valet parking that day!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Better Late than Never: 18, 19, and 20 week update
I haven’t blogged in the last three weeks because I have been busy at work and I simply haven’t felt like it. Though I haven’t blogger, I have maintained taking weekly photos of myself. During the time that I haven’t been blogging, I felt my first kick. If I must say, it felt so good to feel him moving. It is a weird feeling, but it lets me know that everything appears to be okay.
As I said in my earlier post, when we had the gender reveal ultrasound, there were no CD’s available therefore I didn’t get any ultrasound pictures. I had to call the diagnostic center for three days straight practically begging for the ultrasound pics to be sent via mail. Apparently it was the hardest thing for them to agree to. Two days later, I received the package and I felt like Ralphie on a A Christmas Story when he got the disappointing message “be sure to drink your ovaltine”. I was expecting the CD along with print pictures from the ultrasound. It was just a CD and the picture quality was not the best. Arrggghh!
How far: 20 weeks
Weight: Gained a total of 8 lbs
Sleeping: Just okay. My arms are going to sleep from trying to maintain sleeping on my left side.
Cravings/Aversions: Normal appetite though I really like cheese fries with buttermilk ranch, ewwww.
Morning Sickness: NONE
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20 weeks |
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19 weeks |
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18 weeks |
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The wee wah!!!! |
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Thumbs up |
Sunday, July 31, 2011
17 Week update: Gender Reveal
Week 17 has been a good week! I still have remnants of my sinus infection, but it is way better than it was last week. I turned 29 this week and I found out the sex of our baby. We are having a boy! We are absolutely thrilled! It honestly did not matter what we were having, but counting down the days to the gender reveal ultrasound is a nightmare and more suspenseful than watching a horror movie alone. The ultrasound determined that everything was right on track as far as size goes. The baby is transverse which means that he is lying sideways. My due date was changed from Jan. 1 to Dec. 29 and the heart rate was 148. The ultrasound was disappointing simply because “they were out of CD’s”. Really?!?! I did not get any ultrasound pictures and they said that I could call and pick them up after a few days. I again asked the technician for one ultrasound picture and she said that all the images will be burned to a CD and that they have to the CD in order to print pictures of the baby. It just didn’t make any sense to me that the ultrasound department did not have one little CD! Regardless of how frustrated that made me, I was happy to see our baby boy moving, flipping, and having his thumb up. Prior to finding out the sex, Baby was determined not to show his private parts. The technician continuously poked my stomach and I rolled from side to side. While all this was happening, I had a full bladder that was so full that it hurt. She then suggested that I empty my bladder, so I ran to the bathroom, leaving my shoes behind and it was instant relief. While I was in the bathroom, I danced and did a few jumping jacks trying to get Baby to move his leg. I then went back into the ultrasound room and we tried again. Well it was plain and clear after that, we saw the “wee wah”. After the ultrasound appointment, we headed to the 2nd floor to see the doctor for the monthly appointment. My blood was drawn for the quad screening test and I gave a urine sample. My blood pressure was great and my weight had increased a total of five pounds since the last visit. According to the ultrasound report, the doctor said that everything was right on track and appeared to be normal. He used the heartbeat Doppler and stated that the heart rate was 140. My doctor stated that he would call me if there were any abnormalities from my tests and if not, he’ll see me at next month’s appointment.
I forgot to mention above that after we found out the sex, we called everyone to the point where it killed my battery. I turned my phone off because it was almost dead and I didn’t need to talk to anyone else. My mother did not get the gist of us declaring that day as “our day” because she blew Jarvis’s phone up for the rest of the day! I wasn’t mad, I just shook my head and I fully understand that she is just excited to know. Some of the events that took place that day was going to Babies R Us, Target, The Galleria, TJ Maxx, Best Buy, and eating at Firebirds.
Of course we created baby registries too! We also started the day off by eating breakfast at I-Hop because I had a coupon for a free birthday meal. Jarvis gave me a birthday card with money and the card was a singing card. It was so loud and hilarious. Overall, this day was extremely fun and exhausting. When we arrived back home, we talked for a few and I called myself watching some TV afterwards. I was so tired that I went to sleep all night with my glasses on, now that’s serious!
On Saturday, July 30, 2011, we hit some yard sales. Yes I said “we”. During a conversation last week, I was saying that once we find out the sex, I would like to go to some good yard sales. Jarvis said “since I’m off on Saturdays now, I will go with you”. I briefly heard crickets chirping because I did not ask, he volunteered. Well when Saturday morning arrived, I woke up first and wrote down our yard sale itinerary. I then got him up. He got up with such ease and grace. We started in Trussville and worked our way back home. We went to six yard sales and by the 2nd one; he declared “I love this, its fun”. He even posted it as his Facebook status, “I love yard sales”! Jarvis told me that this was his first time ever in his life to go to a yard sale. I was thrilled to have his company and happy that he enjoyed himself. I think it became fun to him when he saw all the nice, stain-free, hole-free, name-brand baby items we got for $1.00 or less. My motto has always been “it can be washed”. Second-hand items allow me to use my washing machine to its full potential meaning, steam and sanitize cycle. Two years later, I am still thankful that I was blessed with my HE washer and dryer that I just had to have.
Here is the dehumidifier I got for $5.00. I didn’t want to buy a new one and I am glad I ran across this one. It is in perfect working condition. I bought it from an older couple. Having a dehumidifier was also suggested by my nurses and doctor.
Here is the pregnancy related talk. I still have remnants of my sinus infection, but I am glad to be feeling way better than I initially felt. I did take a weekly picture from week 16, but I refuse to put in on this blog because I look like death.
How far: 17 weeks
Weight: 2 more lbs totaling 5 lbs.
Sleeping: Like a baby *knock on wood*
Cravings/Aversions: None! Eating what was planned.
Morning Sickness: Some dry heaving with heartburn and indigestion.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Last time I checked, I was the one pregnant 2nd post.....
This morning DH and I got up and fixed some breakfast. I had a bologna biscuit and a piece of cheese toast. I know, two breads are not the best thing to eat. Well DH had white rice, scrambled eggs topped with cheese, and Conecah sausage. Okay, it doesn't sound that bad, BUT he mixed it all together in a bowl. So what I'm saying is that the bowl contained rice, eggs, cheese, and sausage that was all touching. It looked horrible! As usual, I looked at him and said "Ewwwww, that looks like throw up".
Another meaningless post......
Another meaningless post......
Thursday, July 21, 2011
16 Week Update
Week 16 is starting off as a bad week simply because I have a cold/sinus infection or something like that. Not to mention that I get extremely sharp gas like pains in my back. I shouldn’t say this because I will regret it but, week 16 has been the worst week thus far! Dealing with what comes with pregnancy is cool, but having both nostrils stopped up at the same time and constant nasal drip is a nightmare for me. I feel like having a cold in the summer is way worse than having one in the winter, geez! Though I have this list of approved medications from my doctor, I am still hesitant to take anything. Throughout the day, I finally broke down and took some Sudafed and it made me feel better for about 3 hours or so. I also resorted to using the Neti Pot and I that means that I was desperate. The Neti Pot is so awkward for me to use, I absolutely hate the choking feeling that it gives me.
Since I have been pregnant, I just recently realized that I have been neglecting my stockpile and couponing. I have thrown away a whole lot of expired goods which I normally give away at least one month before the expiration date.
On a lighter note, I got my piano this past weekend! It is not new; it is actually my piano that my parents purchased for me in 1990 or 1991. Eventually I would like to have it refinished into an espresso color. It is still in tune for the most part, there are about 3 keys that sound horrible. Though I cannot play as well as I used to, I am practicing again and I am thrilled that I can play for our unborn child. It was very important for me to expose the baby to the sound in hopes of it being easily recognized later on down the road. I know that I am wrong but, piano lessons are the only thing that I plan on doing to live vicariously through our child.
How far: 16 weeks
Weight: Gained three pounds
Sleeping: Sleeping has been horrible for me because of the sinus infection. I have been waking up every hour this week to either use the bathroom or blow my nose.
Cravings/Aversions: Everything has been the same, nothing new. I have not had any Chinese food or spring rolls this week, go me!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
15 Week Update
I’m not that fat, I’m pregnant. Okay, I know that it’s all in my head, but I feel like a giant and that everyone looks at me and wonders is she pregnant or just fat. It is not as obvious on my pictures fully clothed, but when I undress, I have “the bump”. Recently DH and I were looking at my belly in pure amazement and at the same time thinking “it ain’t even big yet”. This week I had an emotional breakdown about getting bigger. Believe it or not, I really hate crying because it’s so loud and ugly. Some compare my cry to Lucille Ball……right! What set me off was when I was trying on some of my non-maternity clothes and nothing would fit like it used to and most of my maternity clothes are still too big. Reality set in when my zipper would not stay up. I’ve been winging it with my regular clothes by wearing ponytail holders and belly bands to keep my pants up. I did not like wearing the belly band because it has been so hot and humid lately.
JThis week I made a run to CVS to purchase some Colace. I will not elaborate on that subject. L
On a better note, I will be a God-Mother within the next few days. My friend Jennifer Garrett will be welcoming Jenna Rochelle into the world and I cannot wait.
How far: 15 weeks
Sleeping: Sleeping is okay, just can’t sleep throughout the night.
Weight: I lost two pounds (don’t know how)
Cravings/Aversions: I’m still killing Chinese food like it’s going out of style. Pepper steak and onion along with spring rolls are my fave. While grocery shopping the other day, I found heaven in a carton. I ran across some Blue Bell Cotton Candy Ice Cream. I love cotton candy ice cream! The only other kind that I eat is the TCBY that I have only seen at the Grub Mart TCBY in Jacksonville, AL.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
The last time I checked, I was the one pregnant...
My dear husband’s appetite is so nasty! The other day he ate two hotdogs and a can of chicken noodle soup at the same time. I just looked at him and said that does not go together. Can we say utterly disgusting! I thought that I was the one that supposed to be eating weird stuff. Then to top it all off, he ate a big bowl of vanilla ice cream topped with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Overall, I am doing very well with my eating. Sometimes I indulge in bad things, but for the most part I don’t. Maybe someone (husband) is using my pregnancy as an excuse to overindulge!?!?!
This was a meaningless post……
14 Week Update
After almost two years of trying, and 14 weeks of pregnancy, I think I can finally accept the fact that I am really pregnant. Though I am already ready to feel 100% “normal” again, I would not trade the feeling in for anything in the world. As I look at my stomach, I often wonder are my eyes playing tricks on me or is it getting bigger. Well it is still getting rounder and rounder. I do foresee purchasing a body pillow in the near future, because I have to barricade myself in the bed each night for comfort. Though I want the $60.00 pillow, luckily I am too cheap to buy it and a $12.00 pillow will have to suffice. As July 29 slowly approaches, we are getting so excited about finding out the sex of the baby. We are so excited that we have already planned our day following the appointment. Our first stop will be at Buy Buy Baby then Babies R US!!!! Of course we will be going out to get some good food as well. I’m thinking Texas Roadhouse or Surin West.
How far: 14 weeks
Sleeping: I don’t even want to go there. As I type, it is 5:25 am and I have been awake since 3:50 am and have to be at work at 8:00am. I would sleep better if I didn’t have to pee every 2-3 hours and I am just appalled by the amount of pee that comes out when I go. I always think “you woke me up for this” or “this could have waited until it was time to get up”. I often remind myself that what I am experiencing is nothing; the worse is yet to come.
Weight: Gained 3 pounds
Cravings/Aversions: Okay I have been eating green beans like they are going out of style! Green beans, tomatoes, and onions have been so good to me. We went to Mobile this weekend and I was able to indulge in some seafood that was absolutely delicious. I ate butterfly shrimp two days in a row and crawfish. The crawfish were so spicy that I just knew that I would pay for it later, but everything turned out fine. Needless to say, I did not eat BBQ, but I did get some to-go and froze it for later on.
I am very ashamed of the fact that I ate an entire box of butter toffee Crunch n’ Munch in one day.
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